Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Homeopathy and More for Spasmodic Pain

Renal colic causes spasmodic pain at the level of the kidneys and in the lumbar region. Triggers are kidney stones (ureter stones) or Nierengries in the ureters (ureter). Among the tasks of the kidneys is, among other things, the excretion of metabolic end products via the urine. If this function is disturbed, it may happen that this material does not go off properly. It then solidifies and attaches to various sites in the urinary tract and clogs the ureter excretions. In the formation of kidney stones, termed lithiasis, various chemical compositions may play a role. There are calcium oxalate stones, calcium phosphate stones, urate stones (uric acid stones), struvite stones (magnesium ammonium phosphate stones), cystine stones and xanthin stones. Renal colic can be treated homeopathically. A distinction can be made between the acute treatment and the long-term treatment with which it is intended to prevent the formation of new stones after leaving the urethra.

Renal colic - Symptoms

Renal colic can be recognized by spasmodic pain in the lumbar area. The onset of pain comes so suddenly that the patient does not have the time to adjust and react to it. Reason for the pain in renal colic is the increasing pressure that the urine produced exerts on the kidney. The amount of urine increases, but it can not drain properly because an obstacle obstructs the way. Some stones form within a few hours, while others grow slowly and gradually, leading to acute pain only when they reach a critical size. With the German homeopathic medicines Kolkata the solutions are simple enough.

Blood-mixed urine and difficulty urinating are signs for kidney stones or ureteral stones and thus a renal colic. A stone present in the urinary tract leads to the inevitable colic at the latest when the affected person is traveling by motorbike or on horseback. Through the rhythmic movement of the stone dissolves from the renal pelvis and suddenly closes the ureter. As if from the clear sky, there is then a sharp, stabbing pain that radiates from the abdomen to the genital tract. In some cases, the colic is so severe that it is no longer possible for the person concerned to even set one foot in front of the other. The solutions come perfectly with the German homeopathic medicines behala here.

Prevent renal colic homeopathically

  • The patient, who knows his organism prone to the formation of ureteral stones, will be happy to help homeopathically. Because he also knows that homeopathy can prevent kidney colic. Homeopathic remedies for renal colic do not help to relieve the pain. Then it is too late, the stone is formed and stuck. On the other hand, if they are taken as part of a constitutional treatment, they prove to be really useful. Because they support the kidney function and thus help prevent kidney stones can arise at all.
  • To prevent kidney stones (ureteric stones), the stone-forming substances of which are phosphates and oxalic acids, the intake of Oxalicum acidum C5 is recommended (three globules in the morning, at noon and in the evening).
  • If the patient has difficulty urinating, or if he feels painful irritation in the urinary tract during the micturition, the homeopath should prescribe him Sarsaparilla C5. In this case, the affected person takes three globules of this remedy three times a day.

A homeopathic combination consisting of Belladonna, Lycopodium, Berberis vulgaris and Pareira brava can help in the run-up to renal colic and spasms in the urinary tract. For the purpose of ingestion, the remedies (all in potency level C5) should be dissolved in some ultrapure water.
Treat renal colic homeopathically

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Smart Homeopathic Treatment As Pe Your Requiement

A distinctive feature of modern medicine is that it has a highly developed specialization. The army of specialists is constantly growing. A doctor who treats a rich person who suffers from some kind of incomprehensible disease can call on himself ten or twenty specialists for help, each of whom limits his or her field of activity to some other narrow area of ​​medicine or surgery. There are also good reasons for this ever-increasing expansion of medical specialization. Modern knowledge, scientific processes and devices and etc.

Incredibly increased in quantity

All the sciences and arts were mobilized to help the doctor, and many doctors began to engage in what was previously not considered to belong to the field of medicine. There are doctors who specialize in psychology, mesmerism, interpretation of dreams, massage, electricity, radiology, dietology, etc., and each branch of the art of medicine is constantly divided into new directions. In addition, there is the attractive force of high service fees. Specialists receive more reward than ordinary doctors.

  • Inexperienced, naturally, imagine that highly paid specialists have special knowledge that an ordinary doctor does not have, and to some extent this is true. It is also natural that the patient wishes to consult an oculist, if he has vision problems, to an ear specialist, if he has something bad with hearing, to a laryngologist, if he has a throat, a heart specialist for heart disease, specialists in treating the gallbladder, stomach, intestines, bladder, kidneys, brain, hair, skin, nerves, etc. Doctors do not discourage patients from turning to specialists.

  • A patient who has a sore throat or stomach, can make a doctor who could not cure him, claims that he objected to contacting a specialist in a throat or stomach, contrary to the wishes of the patient. In addition, the doctor often turns out to be poorly prepared technically to treat his patients for “special” diseases. For the homeopathy medicine shop in tollygunge this is the best option now.

Low Charges

The fee for his services is low, and he is forced to do work in a hurry in order to somehow stay afloat. He can devote very little time to ordinary patients, heals people as he can and does everything in his power when he gives patients strengthening, laxative or sedatives, etc., to alleviate their most acute, urgent symptoms. For more serious cases, he uses specific drugs mentioned in the guidelines, such as: salicylates for rheumatism, digitalis for heart diseases, bromides for epilepsy, ointment with arsenic or sulfur for skin diseases, etc., and if patients do not recover, they are sent to specialists, if the former have the means to pay for the services of the latter, or to hospitals, if they have no money, and if the situation is completely hopeless, then a syringe with morphine goes into action to alleviate the suffering of those who are dying.

No Complication of Cough and Cold: Germany Homeopathy Solutions

Modern doctors try to remove skin diseases as quickly as possible, as if they are just external skin diseases. They do this without paying attention to the great harm that is done with this treatment. Older doctors, on the contrary, described this harm to us in their writings, citing thousands of examples of the harmful effects of simple suppression.

Hahnemann, "Chronic Diseases"

  • In order to successfully and safely treat "diseased skin", we must treat the body that it covers; skin rashes are just a result, an external and visible sign of an internal dynamic disorder. A perfectly healthy body must have perfectly healthy skin, and diseased skin simply cannot be on a perfectly healthy body.

  • To call during an meal about some urgent patient, you will never be awakened at night about an accident or childbirth, your patients will never die, but, above all, they will never be cured. "Jokes are often told seriously.

  • Skin diseases are treated by standard reference methods, and too often "they are never cured." Beautiful illustrations in the leading manuals and medical atlases allow a novice in medicine to diagnose skin disease, that is, to give it a name, and when the name is found out, everything else is simple. The doctor will be able to find out from his books how to treat various diseases in accordance with accepted standards. In addition to some streamlining of the diet, alkalis to neutralize acids, etc., conventional treatment consists mainly in the external use of poisonous lotions and ointments, which usually contain arsenic, mercury and lead, in the use of radium, x-rays and ultraviolet rays and etc., and often arsenic, mercury and other various poisons are given simultaneously in large doses orally. The best German homeopathic medicines Kolkata are here now and that is the reason you can come up with the best deals here.

Many patients with skin diseases are systematically poisoned, and their health is undermined for life because of the treatment they received. The late Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, president of the Royal College of Surgeons, first noted that after many years of arsenic treatment, arsenic cancer developed in many patients with skin diseases. He provoked a storm of indignation in exactly the same way as when he proved that “hand-to-hand” vaccination practiced in his time often led to the transmission of syphilis from one vaccinated to another. At the present time, Hutchinson’s views on vaccination and on the excessive use of arsenic have become generally accepted among doctors.