Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Effective Solutions for the Dengue Fever Now

Dengue fever is an infectious viral disease transmitted by certain biting mosquitoes during the day. Mostly prevalent in the tropical and subtropical areas of Central and Southern America and South and Southeast Asia. Generally benign, it can be severe and cause a death, especially in children. Dengue fever is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito: Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopticus. They are diurnal mosquitoes. When one of these healthy mosquitoes stings a person infected with the virus, it becomes a contaminant and transmits the dengue virus to a healthy subject by pricking it. This virus transmitted by the mosquito belongs to the family Flaviviridae, genus flavivirus. There are four types of dengue viruses: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. Infection with one of them confers protective immunity against the serotype in question, but not against the other three. For the use of the treatment you can make use of the German homoeopathic medicines now.

German homoeopathic

When to consult a doctor ?

After 2 to 7 days of incubation, the symptoms of dengue occur suddenly. In its simple form, the clinical manifestations are characterized by the appearance of a high fever (between 39 and 41 ° C), accompanied by headaches, aches, pains in the muscles and limbs, eye pain , chills, rash. May also appear, dizziness, nausea, sore throat. Some subjects have no symptoms.

The severe form, which accounts for about 1% of dengue cases, also known as dengue haemorrhagic fever, is characterized by persistent fever and multiple haemorrhages. It causes disorders of blood clotting, vomiting of blood, bloody stools, abdominal pain, breathing difficulties. It can cause a state of shock. This severe form is potentially fatal when it affects children under 15 years of age. For the use of the  German homeopathic medicines Kolkata this is important now.

Treatment of dengue fever

Homeopathy brings significant improvements, especially when the right remedies are given early in the illness.

The commonly prescribed drugs are Eupatorium perfoliatum 9 CH and Gelsenium sempervirens 15 CH, at a rate of 3 granules every two hours. The first remedy provides rapid relief in the presence of pain in the bones and joints, associated with high fever. It also helps relieve eye pain, diarrhea, headache. As for the second remedy, Gelsenium 15 CH, it is recommended when the fever is progressive and when the patient is affected by chills and great weakness.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Pimples and Acne: Your Options

It is difficult to generalize because homeopathy is a highly individualized medicine, which focuses first on the patient and the origin of the disease. This is why it is always better to take the advice of a competent pharmacist or a homeopathic doctor before starting a treatment. Some strains come back quite frequently in acne care protocols. With the use of the German Homeopathic Treatment Kolkata you can have the best results now.

What are the most common homeopathic responses to juvenile acne?

I often advise taking 3 granules of Kalium Bromatum 9 CH in the morning and 3 granules Eugenia Jambosa 4 CH in the evening, to be completed every Sunday with a dose of Natrum wall 15 CH alternating with Sulfur Iodatum in 15 CH also during 3 or 4 months. Adolescents under standard allopathic treatment can also reduce the adverse effects, including dry skin, by taking 3 granules of Natrum Mur daily in 9 CH, 3 times a day. For the  German Homeopathic Treatment Kolkata this is important now.

For blackheads or excess sebum, is it necessary to take a complementary treatment?

Of course. It is possible, for example, to treat the excess sebum with 3 granules of Selenium 5 CH morning and evening in combination with the anti-acne pair Kalium Bromatum and Eugenia Jambosa mentioned earlier.

What about the treatment of adult acne?

It all depends on the cause. The treatment will be different depending on whether it is acne related to the menstrual cycle, stress or genetics. But taking a dose of Natrum Wall 15 CH every Sunday alternately with a dose of Tuberculinum Residuum 9 CH is usually quite effective. Rosacea will resolve more effectively with Sanguinaria Canadensis 5 or 7 CH 3 times daily.

Can Homeopathy Alleviate the Scars of Acne Pimples?

Daily intake of 5 granules of Antimonium Tartaricum in 4 CH , in addition to the treatments, can help to avoid acne scars , like, moreover, those of chickenpox.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dandruff and Homeopathy for You

Dandruff is a scalp problem caused by the proliferation of a yeast-like fungus called malassezia. It is a very common problem, but that does not make it any less annoying. Malassezia really just belongs on the scalp and lives on the fatty oil produced by hair follicles. Scientists do not yet know why malassezia can suddenly start to proliferate enormously, but when this happens, it causes irritation that the rejection process of dead skin cells is greatly accelerated. With the German homeopathic medicines behala you can have the finest choices.

Many dead skin cells then hope to become flakes that clump together with the fat on the scalp. This is often easy to see with the naked eye. It usually starts to itch over time. The industry has many anti-dandruff shampoos with chemical agents in response. Usually these contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), which irritates and aggressively affects the scalp. Fortunately, there are various home remedies that can solve the flaking problem.

What to do about dandruff?

Tea tree oil, an antifungal and antiseptic oil, is a proven remedy for dandruff. You can buy anti-dandruff shampoo that contains tea tree oil, but the real oil itself works better (and it's usually cheaper too). Massage the tea tree oil into the scalp (make sure it is really on the scalp and not just in your hair) and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then wash with shampoo. If you do this often, you will notice that not only does the rose decrease, but also the corresponding itchiness. Direct contact of pure tea tree oil with the skin is discouraged by some. Diluting with an oil is recommended for sensitive skin.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties that prevent dandruff. It also breaks down proteins, in this case mostly dead skin cells. By reducing the amount of dead skin cells, aloe vera reduces the clotting of skin cells that make up dandruff. Use aloe vera juice or gel regularly and make sure you massage it well onto the scalp. Let it sit for at least fifteen minutes and then wash it with a mild shampoo.


Thyme also has antifungal and antiseptic properties. However, it differs from the previous two remedies in that it is not an oil, but an herb. To use thyme as a hair treatment, mix 4 tablespoons of dried thyme in 2 cups of water, boil it for 10 to 15 minutes, strain it and let it cool. Then massage it into the scalp, let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse your hair well.


Yogurt contains 'good bacteria', which limits the growth of yeast. This makes it a great home remedy for fungal infections. You can eat it or put it in your hair (so nice messy;). With this treatment you have to provide a yogurt with living cultures. According to research , the L. paracasei culture would be the best. Taking a probiotic can also provide the body with the right gut bacteria. Applying the yogurt locally to the scalp can also be effective. Spread it on your scalp. Wait an hour and wash it out. With the German homeopathic medicines behala this is the smartest choice.

Using the Right Homeopathic Medicines for Bacterial Infection

Bacteria are organisms that consist of only a single cell and are visible under the microscope as small rods (bacilli), spheres (coils), spirals (spirils), etc. Bacteria are found everywhere in nature and spread among others through human contact and through contact with infected animals, food, water, waste and objects. Bacteria usually reside in the body in the blood, in mucous layers or between tissue cells and multiply by cell division. Most bacteria are harmless or even useful for humans and animals, but some cause illness. With the german homeopathy in Kolkata you can have the best choices.


Our natural immune system generally protects us against harmful bacteria. When our resistance is disrupted, these bacteria have a chance to invade our body and cause an infection. In addition, redness, swelling of tissues and fever may occur. Examples of a bacterial infection are a bacterial cold, scarlet fever, tetanus, anthrax, but also a boil.

  • Viruses do not consist of complete cells and are not visible under the normal microscope, because they are much smaller than bacteria and must penetrate other cells in order to multiply. A virus can cause very different diseases. Examples of virus infections are colds, flu, cold sores, chicken pox, measles, rubella, HIV.

If a bacterial infection does not heal itself, it can possibly be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not work against a virus infection. However, if an antibiotic is regularly used against a bacterium, that bacterium can become 'resistant'. The bacterium is then no longer sensitive to the antibiotic. When you get an infection with such a resistant bacterium, the antibiotic no longer helps.
That is why it is important not to switch to antibiotic treatment too quickly. This of course always in consultation with your doctor. With the german homeopathy in Kolkata


With good resistance you have the least chance of contracting a bacterial or virus infection. Eating healthy and exercising a lot is important. Homeopathy can promote good resistance. This is not a self-care indication. When in doubt, always consult a medical expert.

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Essential Choices for Pigmentation

Pigmentation spots, one of the most annoying and persistent skin problems. How do you get rid of those stains without spending a lot of money on expensive mechanical and treatment?

Whether they are caused by the passing of the years, acne or melasma (hyper pigmentation), there are natural remedies that can light up the spots.

Radio frequency, laser treatments, the creams that a significant improvement in 80% (of the 40 women in a test group) etc. We like some of these types of advertising texts because they are often misleading. You can go for the German homeopathic medicines Kolkata, but there comes a great many for the best.


Fortunately, you can get rid of most spots with relatively simple means and without a loan. The most important tool you need is: Patience and ingredients for home treatments.

Pigmentation spots, for example due to melasma during pregnancy, dissolve on their own over time. The remaining spots require a little more effort.

Hyperpigmentation (UV damage) is the most common and the most difficult to reverse. Even with a daily routine of SPF 50 ++ lubrication, stubborn pigmentation can occur. Preventing sun damage is child's play, but canceling the damage is a lengthy process

Remove pigmentation spots naturally

Fortunately, there are home-garden and kitchen remedies that also work. Tested by many Miss Bio's on different types of stains. Here an overview per pigment spot type.

pigment Home treatment: simple and extremely cheap

Hormonal Melasma (melasma means pigment disorder) The best known is the maternity mask

Coconut mask with sugar and nutmeg

Requirements: 1/4 cup caster sugar, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 tablespoon coconut milk, 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil, possibly 2 drops of essential oil of clove.

Mix everything well and apply the mask on your face for at least 5 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Then apply your day-night care.

This recipe highlights your spots because:

Bastard sugar contains a high content of glycolic acid. This ingredient is often found in the expensive chemical peel treatments, because it has a proven effect on the lifting of pigment. With the German homeopathic medicines Kolkata you can get the best treatment.

Coconut milk: high content of lactic acid, another well-known means of treating melasma. Glycolic and lactic acid are both able to remove and repair damaged top layers of the skin by stimulating the growth of fresh skin cells. Pure coconut and clove have a positive effect on your hormone balance. It regulates sebum which reduces the risk of acne.