Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cough and Cold Homeopathy Treatments that You Need Now

Have you caught a cold and your cough is dry? Discover the homeopathic remedy that suits you according to your different symptoms to make this nasty cough disappear!

Aconitum napellus

After a sharp and brutal cold snap, in a young and sthenic individual, most often around midnight, dry cough, croupy, with hyperthermia, sharp thirst for cold water. Anxious agitation, even fear of dying. For the Cough and coldhomeopathy Kolkata treatment this is important.

No sweating.


Suddenly onset dry cough, with dryness of the mucous membranes, in a subject who is congested, feverish, sweating profusely, hyperesthetic, chilly, most often depressed.

Hepar sulfur

Croupy, hoarse, barking cough after a sharp cold snap, usually occurring suddenly after midnight.

Improvement by hot applications in a cold patient whose sweating does not provide relief.


·        After a sudden cold snap, croupy cough around midnight, like a saw in a pine plank

·        Burning sensation and raw mucous membrane

·        Improvement by hot drinks.

Sambucus nigra

Stridular laryngitis with dry coryza

Complete obstruction of the nose

Intense suffocation

Abrupt, suffocating cough with cyanosis

Profuse sweating upon awakening which disappears if the patient goes back to sleep.

Bryonia alba

A febrile state of progressive installation, dry cough provoked or aggravated by the slightest movement

Strong thirst for large amounts of cold water

Aggravation upon entering a warm room

Sternal or chest pain improved by compressing the chest.

Sticta pulmonaria

Dry, irritating, incessant, tiring cough, with dryness of the lining of the nose. Sensation of heaviness and obstruction at the root of the nose.

Rumex crispus

·        Continuous dry cough caused by an itchy sensation in the suprasternal pit

·        Aggravation when inhaling fresh air

·        Improvement by closing the mouth or covering the nose and mouth with a tissue.

Arum triphyllum

Cough from laryngitis with very acute inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Hoarseness with constantly changing tone of voice

Lips dry and bleeding because the patient nibbles them, scratches them or tears off small skins until blood despite the pain.For the doses and the dilutions for use with these homeopathic remedies, ask your pharmacist.

Homeopathy treatment in Kolkata and the Best solutions for you

What is the origin of homeopathic treatments? By trying to answer this question, we then dive into homeopathic strains, which come from the animal, mineral or organic kingdom. These homeopathic strains are natural for treatment of the patient based on the law of similars and the principle of wholeness.

Based on the principle of similarity, homeopathy appears to be a medicine with gentle and natural approaches. The homeopathic medicines are following this path, resulting from manufacture from natural substances.

Homeopathy: a natural medicine?

When we talk about homeopathy, we often talk about alternative medicine or natural medicine. The question of the origin of the treatment then arises with all the more force. But this question necessarily brings us to recall the approach of homeopathic medicine, based on the law of similitude, a natural law already put forward by Hippocrates himself. For the homeopathy treatment inKolkata  this is important now.

The strains of homeopathic medicine

The strains of homeopathy are active substances that are found in the three great kingdoms of nature, namely:

·        The plant,

·        The mineral,

·        The organic.

Plant strains in homeopathy

About 60% of homeopathic treatments come from the plant kingdom. This predominance of plants explains, in part, that homeopathy can often be referred to as  herbal medicine . In the vast majority of cases, the plants are used whole and fresh. Some homeopathic treatments, on the other hand, are derived from certain parts of plants, such as the bark of cinchona red for China rubra.

Mineral strains

It can be mineral sources themselves as for silver with Argentum metallicum , but also salts or even complex salts ( Natrum muriaticum for sea salt for example).

Organic or animal sources

The animal can be used in whole or for parts of it. Homeopathy can also, for the development of these organic treatments, use a secretion from an animal, such as squid ink for Sepia . Finally, it is also possible to have recourse to dilutions of animal organs through energized diluted organotherapy.

Biotherapies and isotherapies

Biotherapies are homeopathic treatments prepared from substances obtained from secretions or excretions resulting from certain pathologies. They represent a specific treatment of homeopathy. The isothérapies based on the same principle, but the substances are those that caused the disease in the patient. It may be  hetero-isotherapics when the substance is external to the patient (dog hair to which the patient is allergic for example) but also self-isotherapics when the secretions come from the patient himself. The use of the latter has been banned in France since 1998 but remains authorized in other European countries.

Homeopathic medicine manufacturing

The law of similars, a natural approach to the patient

If we consider the origin of the sources of homeopathy (vegetable, mineral, organic and biotherapies), medicine can therefore be qualified, without any reservation, as natural. In fact, homeopathic treatments do not involve research and development of molecules "created" by man. But homeopathy also appears to be natural in its approach to the patient . The law of similars involves administering a treatment which, in large doses, causes the same symptoms as the disease it is to cure. It is therefore a stimulation of the whole organism and not a fight against the only symptoms, making the homeopathic approach a natural medicine.