Sunday, July 22, 2018

What Are Your Options to Avoid Depression Major through Homeopathic Care?

There are multiple causes of depression. Biological- people with depression typically have to title or too much of certain brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. Changes in these brain chemicals may cause, or contribute to depression.

Cognitive- people with negative thinking pattern, people who are pessimistic, have low self-esteem, worry too much or feel they have little control over life events, is more life events, are more likely events, are more likely to develop depression. Genetic- a family history of depression. Situational- difficult life events, including the death of a loved one, divorce, financial problems or moving to a new place, can contribute to depression.

Role of Homeopathic Medicines in the treatment of depression Major

Medicines Natrum Muriaticum, Ignatia, Kali Phos and Coffea are extremely effective Homeopathic medicines for depression; but for treating depression major different homeopathic medicines are to be used. With the German Homeopathy in Kolkata you will be having the perfect deals

Aurum Met – Homeopathic medicine for depression major when there are Suicidal thoughts.Homeopathic medicine Aurum Met is effective in depression major when there is a great loathing of life and there are thoughts of Suicide. Along with this, there are classical signs of depression in the patient.

Natrum Sulph – Homeopathic Remedy for Persistent Suicidal thoughts in Depression Major Natrum Sulph is an important medicine for the treatment of major depression where psychotic symptoms of suicidal thoughts are in a greater magnitude, where the patient has to be physically refrained from committing such an act. Taking consultation of the Homeopaths and psychologists is necessary for taking these medicines.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Homeopathic Treatments for the Cervical Spondylosis

In earlier times, people used to get affected beyond the age of 60. Nowadays, intensive use of computers by the young population has caused this age to come down. Even people in their 20s and 30s are affected by cervical spondylosis.

The normal degenerative process that works on every human being is what causes cervical spondylosis. The only thing is that this degenerative process has been hastened with prolonged use of computers and mobile phones. The fact that we twist and turn our neck into odd shapes while watching TV lying down in bed further aggravates the problem.With the proper german homeopathy in Kolkata option you will be having the essential deals now.

Cervical Spondylosis treatment

The fact remains that there is no treatment in the allopathic system of medicine for cervical spondylosis. The whole treatment procedure of allopathy is aimed at treating the main symptom which is the neck and shoulder pain. There is nothing that allopathy can offer to stop this degeneration. At the end, the allopathic system only recommends surgery as the best option.

The 5 best Homeopathic medicines for cervical spondylosis are –

• Conium -best cervical spondylosis medicine with vertigo along with neck pain

• Gelsemium – best medicine for neck pain with pain extending to back of head

• Kalmia- best cervical spondylitis medicine with neck pain extending to arm

• Silicea – best medicine for cervical with neck pain going to eyes

• Calcarea Phos – best homeopathic medicine for cervical spondylitis with bony changes

Before taking the medicines, consulting the homeopath is essential.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Homeopathic Remedies for Tonsillitis

The tonsils are lymph nodes in the back of the mouth and top of the throat. They normally help to filter out bacteria and other microorganisms to prevent infection in the body. They may become so overwhelmed by bacterial or viral infection that they swell and become inflamed, causing tonsillitis. The infection may also be present in the throat and surrounding areas, causing pharyngitis.

Tonsillitis is extremely common, particularly in children.

Tonsillitis Symptoms

Symptoms of tonsillitis include a sore throat, (which may be experienced as referred pain to the ears), painful/difficult swallowing, coughing, headache, myalgia (muscle aches), fever and chills. Tonsillitis is characterized by signs of red, swollen tonsils which may have a purulent coating of white patches (i.e. pus). Swelling of the eyes, face, and neck may occur. For that German Homeopathic Medicines Kolkata happens to offer the best options.


A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure in which the tonsils are removed from either side of the throat. The procedure is performed in response to cases of repeated occurrence of acute tonsillitis or adenoiditis, obstructive sleep apnea, nasal airway obstruction, snoring, or peritonsillar abscess. Sometimes the adenoids are removed at the same time, a procedure called adenoidectomy. Tonsillectomy remains one of the most common surgical procedures in children.

Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Tonsillitis

• Baryta Carbonica. [Bar-c]

• Calcarea phosphorica. [Calc-p]

• Calcarea iodata. [Calc-i]

• Bromine. [Brom]

• Lycopodium. [Lyc]

• Ferrum phosphoricum. [Ferr-p]

• Belladonna. [Bell]

Before Taking the medicines it is important to take the advice of an Homeopath.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia

Difficulty in sleeping or inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep long enough to feel rested, especially when this is a problem that continues over time.

It is also explained as:

  • Inability to sleep
  • Over a period of time
  • Difficulty initiating sleep
  • Difficulty maintaining sleep
  • Early morning awakening
  • Non Restorative sleep
Types of Insomnia:

  • Transient Insomnia (short term)
  • Intermittent Insomnia (on and off)
  • Chronic Insomnia (constant)
Homeopathic Treatment

  • Reportorial rubric
  • [Kent] Sleep, Sleeplessness
  • [Murphy] Sleep, Insomnia
  • [Boericke] Nervous system, Sleep, Insomnia (Sleeplessness)
  • [Boenninghausen’s] Sleep, Sleeplessness
Homeopathy Remedies:

Homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of symptoms, cause, family history and constitution of the person affected. Considering all these factors any of the below listed (or some other) homeopathic medicine may be indicated and helpful in this condition. However, to take these medicines you need to consult the homeopaths. From the Germany homeopathy treatment Kolkata you will have the solutions present.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Homeopathic Medicines of Viral Fever Among the Children

Homeopathy helps fevers are not by suppressing the fever itself but by stimulating the body to overcome the infection causing the fever.

Parents are usually surprised at how quickly this happens. It’s not unusual for a fever break within minutes of giving the correct remedy, and there should certainly be a significant improvement by 2 – 3 doses. With the use of the German Homeopathy in Kolkata you will be having the best options now.

The following article points to just four homeopathic remedies that help childhood fevers. There are others but these main ones should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Four Remedies for Four Different Fevers

1. Aconite napellus (Acon.)

2. Belladonna (Bell.)

3. Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferr-p.)

4. Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls.)

When to Seek Help

Be aware that a prolonged fever, dry mucus membranes, a temperature higher than 40.5C (105F), a mottled rash, stiff neck, or unusual weakness, drowsiness and lethargy, may mean indicate something more serious than a simple fever. If at all concerned about the severity or cause of the fever, or if your child is under 2 months of age, please consult your health care professional.

Friday, July 13, 2018

What Homeopathy Actually Gifts You – The Essential Facts

Homeopathy is an effective scientific treatment system based on the natural tendencies of the body to self-heal. It assumes that all the symptoms in a state of illness are an expression of disharmony of the whole organism. It is necessary to treat not the illness itself, but the sick person in all its aspects - psyche, emotion and physical body. The healing method homeopathy exists for more than 200 years. In 1796, the German physician Samuel Hahnemann formulated the Law of Similarity. He created a new treatment method that he called homeopathy.

The basic principle in homeopathy is called "Law of Similarity" - "Similia similibus curentur" or "The similar is healed with a similar". In practice, it means the following: when a healthy person receives a substance he can get certain symptoms. A sick person suffering from these same symptoms will be cured with a homeopathic medicine prepared from this substance. As early as 2000 years ago, Hippocrates has spoken that there are two approaches to treating the sick - "treatment by the opposite" and "treatment by the same." This fact has been known and applied over centuries. The German Homeopathic treatment Kolkata brings the best deals here.

In which cases is homeopathy treated?
Proper homeopathic treatment strengthens the immune system and restores the inner harmony of the body. It can cure both functional disorders and serious pathological changes in tissues and organs.

  • Complaints related to critical periods of life - pregnancy, birth and postpartum periods, breastfeeding, puberty, climax, excessive rapid growth or premature aging of the organism, developmental lag, behavioral changes.
  • Condition after fright, sorrow, frustration, business failure, loss of a loved one and other stressful life situations.
  • Physical trauma - bruising, sprain, sprain, burn - depending on the severity of the trauma, homeopathic treatment or combination with other methods is applied.
  • Acute illnesses of all kinds - flu, angina, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastritis, food poisoning, diarrhea, renal and biliary colic, etc.
  • Chronic diseases of all organs and systems - complete healing or relief of the condition depending on the stage of the disease. The earlier homeopathic treatment, the greater the chances of curing, especially in hormonal disorders, skin problems, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, neuralgia, neurosis, depression, digestive disorders, etc.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Homepathic Remedies for Bronchitis

In the article you will read about the symptoms of bronchitis. How to diagnose. Which bronchitis is chronic and which is acute. What is bronchiolitis? Treatment with homeopathy. Herbs treatment. Healing supplements. Allopathic treatment. Prevention.


The initial diagnosis of bronchitis is based on observation of the patient's symptoms and health history. The doctor listens to the patient's chest with a stethoscope looking for the specific noises that irritate the lungs and narrow the airways. A sample of the sputum may be taken, especially if the secretion is green or there is blood in it to see if there is a bacterial infection, to identify the pathogenic micro-organism and to choose the appropriate antibiotic treatment. Sometimes, in the diagnosis of chronic pulmonary disorder, the sample of the discharge is taken by a procedure called bronchoscopy. With smart treatments of German Homeopathy in Kolkata, the solutions will be the perfect one.

Chronic bronchitis

Functional pulmonary research is important for the diagnosis of chronic bronchitis and other COPD variants. The study uses a spirometer that measures the volume of air entering and exiting the lungs. Doctor can make a chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood tests. Other studies can also be used to measure the feasibility of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs.

Bronchoectatic disease, decayed bronchitis

Broncho-ectatic disease is a variant of chronic local inflammatory airway inflammation in the presence of numerous bronchiectasis. Bronchoectasis are congenital or acquired pathological expansions of the bronchi with a change in the structure of their walls. The origins of acquired bronchiectasis play an important role in earlier acute viral and bacterial bronchial infections of the lungs. Among the most common causes of bronchiectasis in infancy are smallpox, pertussis, flu.

Bronchitis and homeopathy

Homeopathic treatment is primarily aimed at improving the motor function of the bronchi and relieving the sputum (drainage), prevention of exacerbations, as well as reducing the phenomena of pneumosclerosis and combating complications. Of homeopathic remedies most often apply:

  • "Hepar sulfur 6", "Sulfur iodine 6", "Stannum iodine 6" - prescribed 7 granules every 3 times a day. They reduce the manifestations of purulent inflammation, prevent their further development, and also enhance the local respiratory mucosal defense response and increase the overall resistance of the whole organism.
  • "Ipekquana x3", "Senega x3", "Tarticus emeticus 6" - apply 7 granules 3 times a day as drainage agents. They help to expel the purulent sputum from the lungs.
  • To remove or reduce the secretion of sputum with a pungent odor are prescribed: "Creosote 6", "Gwyakum x3", "Ace fetae 3". Take the same pattern.
  • "Phosphorus 6", "Gamelalis x3", "Milefolium x3" - take 7 granules or 7 drops 2-3 times a day, even if there are even small bloody streaks in the phlegm. But it should be remembered that a worrying symptom such as blood in phlegm is obligatory consultation with a doctor
  • "Silicea 6", "Calcarea Fluorica 6" - take 7 times a day in a row; they prevent the development and spread of adhesions and pneumosclerosis.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Homeopathic treatment of bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a common chronic lung disease. According to the World Health Organization, between 100 million and 150 million people worldwide suffer from asthma and their numbers are constantly increasing.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that occurs with recurring attacks of dyspnea and chest chest pain. It is still unclear why some people suffer from asthma and others do not. It is believed that the disease is the result of a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors. With the German Homeopathic Treatment Kolkata you can get the things in the right way.

What are asthma complaints?

  • Lack of air
  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Disturbed sleep due to lack of air, cough or chest chest
  •  Swinging of the chest, which is heard by exhalement
  • Cough or whiplash attacks that are aggravated by a viral infection such as a cold or flu

Types of asthma:

There are many different ways to classify asthma. Retour ligne automatique
One of them is the division of asthma into different types according to the causative factor:

  • allergic asthma - asthma complaints occur in repeated contacts with allergens such as house dust, moisture, molds, cockroaches, animal hair, tobacco smoke
  • asthma with a leading cough symptom - in this type of asthma cough is the only symptom
  • professional asthma - asthma in the workplace
  • asthma in an effort - asthma attacks occur during or after physical effort
  • drug asthma - shortness of breath and chest chest caused by taking a medicine for another illness
  • night asthma - attacks are aggravated or are extremely night time

Homeopathic treatment of bronchial asthma

Some of the most commonly prescribed homeopathic remedies for asthma are listed below:

  • Antimonium tartaricum - a severe asthma attack - the patient has difficulty breathing, a wet cough with very difficult exsanguination; pale or cyanated, dropped.

  • Arsenicum album - night asthmatic attacks (between 1 and 3 hours); The patient is very worried about the lack of air and whistling breathing; the drug is suitable for agitated and agitated patients. Skin allergies (eczema, urticaria).

  • Arsenicum iodatum - Seasonal asthma attacks caused by pollen allergy. Seizures are more frequent at night after prolonged daytime contact with pollen. A burning allergic rhinitis that raises the nose.

  • Blata orientalis - allergic asthma; the main provocative factor of asthma attacks is contact with home dust and mites; severe dyspnea with abundant sputum extraction.

  • Dulcamara - allergy to moisture and molds. Severe asthmatic attacks caused by rainy weather, mists or stays in a room where there is mold or moisture.

  • Ipeka - suffocating spastic cough with nausea and vomiting; pure, tongueless; often used in the treatment of childhood asthma.

  • Potassium carbonicum - asthma attacks (between 2 and 4 hours); dyspnoea is relieved if the patient leans forward and leans with elbows on his knees; tired, faint patient.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Homeopathic Remedies for Thrombosis

Clotting the blood in the deep veins of the legs, which prevents it from passing through the heart. (The same can be observed in the superficial veins of the legs, known as thrombophlebitis). It is usually due to delayed circulation resulting from prolonged sitting or lying. Susceptible to this disease are pregnant women and women taking contraception. Symptoms include pain, tenderness, swelling and discoloration of the leg, and sometimes also in skin ulcers. This is a serious complaint and should be treated by a doctor. With the German homeopathic medicines Kolkata this is a very important part.


• The risk of this disease is reduced significantly as soon as possible after the birth or after surgery.

• If you are immobilized for a long time, try to improve your blood circulation by shrinking and relaxing your toes, shaking your ankles and folding your knees.

• Massage improves blood circulation in the legs. Avoid, however, directly massaging the veins.

• Do not smoke

• Do not take birth control pills.

• Do not sit for a long time without moving your feet. As you travel, get up and out every 30 minutes.

• Relax with your feet raised.

• Wear an elastic belt.



• Hawthorn Hawk improves blood circulation: 2 teaspoons of fruit are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes. It is taken 3 times a day. Include a large amount of raw garlic in your diet or take 1 garlic capsule 3 times a day.

• The mint also improves blood circulation, sprinkle the food with it or drink it like a broth: a teaspoon of peeled and grated root is poured with a boiling water bath, cook for 15 minutes and drink 3 times a day.


• Accompanied by varicose veins, bruised and inflamed: Chinese hazelnut ( Naamelis ).

• After injury, bruised and sensitive, does not stand a touch: arnica ( Arnika ).

• Inconvenient pulsating pain, legs should be lifted: Viper ( Vipera ).

Take up to 3 doses every hour and repeat as needed

Monday, July 9, 2018

Side Effectless Treatment of Conjunctivitis in Homeopathy

For conjunctivitis - treatment with homeopathy and eye drops. Bacterial and viral conjunctivitis. How it works in children and babies. Relationship with barley of the eye. Herbs treatment. With marigold. With chamomile. With silver water. With Cat Claw. With honey. With potato. With coriander. With urine. With the sumac. With rose water. With black tea. With eucalyptus. Medicines. Tobraxel. Torex. Maxitrol. Homeoplasmin. With breast milk. With ophthalmo septonex. Recurrent conjunctivitis. Complications. Epidemic conjunctivitis. Conjunctival fungi ..

For conjunctivitis, the laity - like most of us - thinks the red eye that you rub into pain, and it continues to make money, something inside from tears and tears all the time. Generally speaking, conjunctivitis is an inherent inflammation of the ocular mucosa. In English and Latin, it is written in the same way - conjunctivitis , but of course it is pronounced differently. With German Homeopathy in Kolkata, the options are perfect now.

With eucalyptus

Surprisingly, eucalyptus oil - we get used to thinking about it in a sickly throat - also helps with conjunctivitis. It is necessary to simply drop a few drops on a saucer and hang around so that the eucalyptus money can be soft on the eye lining.

Medicines. Tobraxel

Of course, the massive behavior is to go to an ophthalmologist, and then follow his recommendations. There are special eye drops that help control the inflammation and soothe the irritated mucous membrane.


Torex (tobramycin) is an antibiotic product in the form of eye drops or eye drops.

Tocrex eye drops are recommended for conjunctivitis; the dosage and duration of treatment should be determined by an ophthalmologist. These conditional drops are appropriate for adults and children over a year, but with allergic reactions their application is discontinued. Not recommended for pregnancy and lactation. They may cause blurred vision for a short time, so driving during tobex treatment is not recommended.


Maxitrol is an effective medicine against conjunctivitis in two forms - eye drops and ointment. Contains a corticosteroid and two broad-spectrum antibiotics. The combination allows the bacteria that cause the infection to be effectively destroyed and the steroid ingredient controlling the inflammatory process.