Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Homeopathic Medicines of Viral Fever Among the Children

Homeopathy helps fevers are not by suppressing the fever itself but by stimulating the body to overcome the infection causing the fever.

Parents are usually surprised at how quickly this happens. It’s not unusual for a fever break within minutes of giving the correct remedy, and there should certainly be a significant improvement by 2 – 3 doses. With the use of the German Homeopathy in Kolkata you will be having the best options now.

The following article points to just four homeopathic remedies that help childhood fevers. There are others but these main ones should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Four Remedies for Four Different Fevers

1. Aconite napellus (Acon.)

2. Belladonna (Bell.)

3. Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferr-p.)

4. Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls.)

When to Seek Help

Be aware that a prolonged fever, dry mucus membranes, a temperature higher than 40.5C (105F), a mottled rash, stiff neck, or unusual weakness, drowsiness and lethargy, may mean indicate something more serious than a simple fever. If at all concerned about the severity or cause of the fever, or if your child is under 2 months of age, please consult your health care professional.

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