Thursday, August 2, 2018

Easy Homeopathic Remedies to Dry Cough

There are many different types of cough and you can hear them all during winter – tickley coughs, dry coughs, chesty coughs, croupy coughs – but they all have one thing in common; they cause distress and discomfort to the sufferer (not to mention the listener!) They lead to irritability, sore muscles, and lack of sleep.

The correct homeopathic remedy, however, can bring rapid relief. It can also resolve the underlying cause of the cough.

Wet or Dry?

Dry coughs are unproductive and irritating. They’re usually triggered by an annoying tickle and expel little or no mucus.

On the other hand, wet coughs are productive. They remove congestion by expelling secretions that collect in your throat or chest.

Treating Coughs with Homeopathy

Treating yourself with homoeopathy for simple acute problems is easy as long as you know how to choose the remedy that matches your symptoms. With the support of German homeopathic medicines Kolkata you will be having the perfect deals now.

  • Aconite napellus (Acon.)
 The sudden onset of a cough after exposure to a dry cold wind or from getting chilled. There is a suffocative feeling with a constant, short, dry cough and chest. Aconite is for the early stages of croup and croup coughs, and also night-time coughs, accompanied by shortness of breath and agitation. In the case of croup, Aconite may need to be followed by Hepar-sulph as the symptoms develop.

  • Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t.)

A rattling, choking, chesty cough with negligible expectoration and where the patient has to sit up in order to breathe. The patient sounds like they are drowning in mucus and there are suffocative paroxysms of coughing, with sweat.

  • Arsenicum album (Ars.)

An asthmatic cough with wheezing and frothy expectoration. There is burning expectoration or sensation, with constricted airways, making breathing difficult. The patient is very chilly, restless, anxious and may be sweaty, with marked exhaustion. The patient feels worse after midnight and is sensitive to cold.

Consulting a doctor before taking these medicines is important.

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