Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fine Pigmentation Problems and the Solutions in Homoepathy

Pigmentation, or the color of our skin is associated with a special substance - melanin. Melanin is a dark pigment which, when exposed to sunlight (or rather, ultraviolet), is formed from the amino acid that is part of most proteins, tyrosine. Formed melanin in skin cells called melanocytes. The presence of pigmentation is associated with increased production of melanin, and its deficiency causes local or general pigmentation deficiency.

How does this happen?

Manifestations of impaired melanin production are:

  • freckles, scientifically - "efelids" (which from the Greek translates as "sunspots") - these are small brown spots, located mainly on the face and open parts of the body. They appear usually in the spring at the first rays of the sun, and in autumn and winter pass or partially disappear;
  • Vitiligo - manifested in the fact that the body "eats" the pigment from the skin, which causes white, sharply delineated spots with discolored, gray hair;
  • Chloasma, which looks like symmetrical, mostly brown spots on the face;
  • Birthmarks and moles (nevi);
  • pigment spots of various nature, etc.
What happens in this case?

Freckles are evidence of a violation of pigmented skin metabolism. In fact, they are distant relatives of sunburn, but sunburn is characterized by a uniform distribution of tyrosine in skin cells, and freckles are islets of tyrosine, which has spontaneously turned into melanin. The Authentic German Medicines in Kolkata option happens to be perfect there.

The brightest freckles are between the ages of twenty and twenty-five. Up to thirty-thirty-five years their number may grow, but with age they pale. More often freckles are for red-haired and fair-haired people. In case of abnormalities in the immune system, vitiligo may appear on the skin.

Solve your problem with the skin will help the following homeopathic remedies:

  • Ammonium carbonicum Antimonium crudum Apis Calcarea carbonica Calcium phosphoricum Dulcamara Ferrum Graphytes Kali carbonicum Lycopodium Muriaticum acidum
  • Natrum carbonicum Nitricum acidum Phosphorus Pulsatilla Sepia Sulphur Tabacum
  • Yellow spots on the skin:
  • Arnica Conium Curare Ferrum Lachesis Lycopodium Natrum carbonicum Petroleum Phosphorus Psorinum Ruta Sepia Sulfur Thuja

Elderly people often have sharply defined spots on the back of their hands. But if a person is younger than 50 years, then such pigmentation spots are a sign of early aging of the body. The accumulations of melanocytes on our skin are called moles or birthmarks. In any amount they are in any person. Some birthmarks are from birth, while others appear throughout life. And it happens that suddenly colorless birthmarks darken, the existence of which you previously did not suspect. More often, new "flies" arise during puberty, during pregnancy, during menopause. For the Authentic German Medicines in Kolkata this is important.

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