Friday, September 20, 2019

Smart Chances for the Acne Issues

To refresh your memory: Acne, or youth spots as we often call it, is a skin condition. The cause lies in the sebaceous glands of which there are approximately 15 per square centimeter . These sebaceous glands serve to remove waste and to produce skin lubricant.

This skin lubricant, or sebum, is important for the skin to keep it oily so that the skin is better protected against the 'dangers' from outside. If there is acne, then the sebaceous glands become bigger under the influence of the adolescent hormones , the skin smear thickens and the sebaceous gland starts producing more skin smear. With the German homeopathy in Kolkata you can have the best deal now.

All these factors then make it increasingly difficult to remove excess sebum along with the waste from the skin. The bacteria in the sebaceous gland then ensure that the remaining sebum is converted into free fatty acids which often cause inflammation. Immediately visible consequence: red pimples with pus. The shock of every adolescent!

So many types of acne

When we talk about acne, it usually means the well-known youth spots. This is indeed the most common form of acne and occurs during puberty as a result of all hormonal changes in the body. We call this in medical terms: Acne Vulgaris.

But there are many more types of acne. The result is more or less the same, but the cause is often different. A very important point with regard to homeopathy.

Just a small list of different types of acne:
Acne Conglobata

This is a fairly serious form of acne that does not end with red spots. The inflammations take the form of cysts and abscesses, with a great deal of pus being released in most cases. This form of acne almost always leaves scars .

Pomade Acne

This is acne which is particularly on the forehead. Often the result of using hair products that are very greasy or contain a lot of oil.

Acne Mechanics

This is a form of acne that is caused by friction. This causes the sebaceous glands to irritate and therefore become inflamed. Think, for example, of people who often wear protective clothing, but this can also occur with normal clothing.

Acne Cosmetics

This form is the result of the (excessive) use of make-up and greasy skin care products

Kleuter Acne

This acne often starts in the first year of life and can continue until the fifth year of life.

Acne Infantum

The name says it all: This is acne that develops in newborn babies. This form often disappears again after a few days to a few weeks.

From homeopathy it is important to know what kind of acne we are dealing with. Or even more important: what the ultimate cause is. You can read further on how this works.

The approach to homeopathy

In the regular medical world, in most cases a problem is assumed for which a solution must be sought and found. This solution may solve the problem, but due to a lack of insight into other factors that directly or indirectly influence the problem, the problem often comes back. With the  German homeopathy in Kolkata you can have the smartest deals now.

In the medical world, therefore, use was made of generic medicines, medicines that are not tailored to an individual, but are geared to a very large group of people who have the same disorder.

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