Thursday, December 26, 2019

German Homeopathy and What You Should Benefit from It

Modern doctors try to remove skin diseases as quickly as possible, as if they are just external skin diseases. They do this without paying attention to the great harm that is done with this treatment. Older doctors, on the contrary, described this harm to us in their writings, citing thousands of examples of the harmful effects of simple suppression.

Hahnemann, "Chronic Diseases"

  • In order to successfully and safely treat "diseased skin", we must treat the body that it covers; skin rashes are just a result, an external and visible sign of an internal dynamic disorder. A perfectly healthy body must have perfectly healthy skin, and diseased skin simply cannot be on a perfectly healthy body.
  • To call during an meal about some urgent patient, you will never be awakened at night about an accident or childbirth, your patients will never die, but, above all, they will never be cured. "Jokes are often told seriously.
  • Skin diseases are treated by standard reference methods, and too often "they are never cured." Beautiful illustrations in the leading manuals and medical atlases allow a novice in medicine to diagnose skin disease, that is, to give it a name, and when the name is found out, everything else is simple. The doctor will be able to find out from his books how to treat various diseases in accordance with accepted standards. In addition to some streamlining of the diet, alkalis to neutralize acids, etc., conventional treatment consists mainly in the external use of poisonous lotions and ointments, which usually contain arsenic, mercury and lead, in the use of radium, x-rays and ultraviolet rays and etc., and often arsenic, mercury and other various poisons are given simultaneously in large doses orally. The best German homeopathic medicines behala are here now and that is the reason you can come up with the best deals here.

Many patients with skin diseases are systematically poisoned, and their health is undermined for life because of the treatment they received. The late Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, president of the Royal College of Surgeons, first noted that after many years of arsenic treatment, arsenic cancer developed in many patients with skin diseases. He provoked a storm of indignation in exactly the same way as when he proved that “hand-to-hand” vaccination practiced in his time often led to the transmission of syphilis from one vaccinated to another. At the present time, Hutchinson’s views on vaccination and on the excessive use of arsenic have become generally accepted among doctors.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Perfect Cough and Cold Treatment for You

The icy cold and humidity bring with them their lot of stuffy noses, sore throats and coughs. As a result, you end up with a rabbit's head with myxomatosis, the packets of handkerchiefs become our best friends and the expression "spit out your lungs" makes perfect sense.

One then feels obliged to rob the pharmacy in traditional sprays, syrups and other pellets. And if we decided to bet on homeopathy? A "soft" medicine that is now increasingly used in support of traditional treatments for various pathologies, from the most common ( motion sickness , insect bites , mouth ulcers) to the most serious (oncology, gynecological diseases).

Here are some suggestions of prescriptions that can be offered by pharmacists-homeopaths to combat the ills of winter. With the option for German homeopathy in Kolkata now this is the best option for you.

Cold, sore throat: the best essential oils to heal

My throat is ticking and hurts so much that I can not swallow anything without suffering.

The homeopathic treatment that I need: Have mellifica 15 CH (1 dose to be renewed 3 hours later, if necessary).

Then, take Belladonna 9 CH, Mercurius solubilis 9 CH and Phytolacca 9CH (5 granules every hour) OR HOMEOGENE (1 tablet to be sucked 2 to 4 times a day).

And, depending on the case:

If my nose is stuffy: Nux vomica 9 CH, Sticta pulmonaria 9CH and Sambucus nigra 9 CH (5 granules every hour).

If the flow is clear: Allium cepa 9 CH and Kalium iodatum 9 CH.

If the flow is thick: Hydrastis 9 CH, Kalium bichromicum 9 CH and Mercurius solubilis 9 CH (5 granules each hour).

If my skin is irritated: HOMEOPLASMINE, to apply locally (avoiding the nasal mucous membranes) 1 to 3 times a day.

My throat tickles me, it's cluttered and I'm just coughing

The homeopathic treatment I need: syrup or granules STODAL® OR STODALINE SUCRE® FREE (1 dose of 15ml, 3 to 5 times a day for an adult, 5ml for a child or 5 granules every hour) + pasta BAUDRY ( suck 10 to 20 pasta a day).

If I have a fatty cough: Ipeca 5 CH, Antimonium tartaricum 5 CH (5 granules every hour) or Ipeca compound (10 drops, 3 times a day or 5 granules morning and evening).

If I have a dry or queasy cough: Drosera 30 CH, Spongia tosta 7 CH and Cuprum metallicum 9 CH (5 granules every hour) or Drosera compound (10 drops, 3 times a day or 5 granules morning and evening) .

I'm voiceless, my voice is hoarse

The homeopathic treatment I need: Arum triphyllum 5 CH + Causticum 9 CH + Rhus toxicodendron 9 CH (5 granules each at least 3 times a day). If you opt for the German homeopathy in Kolkata then be sure that you will be having all the best options for the same now.

Alternately, Homeovox® (2 tablets to be sucked every hour until improvement) OR Arum triphyllum compound (5 granules 3 times daily).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Effective Solutions for the Dengue Fever Now

Dengue fever is an infectious viral disease transmitted by certain biting mosquitoes during the day. Mostly prevalent in the tropical and subtropical areas of Central and Southern America and South and Southeast Asia. Generally benign, it can be severe and cause a death, especially in children. Dengue fever is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito: Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopticus. They are diurnal mosquitoes. When one of these healthy mosquitoes stings a person infected with the virus, it becomes a contaminant and transmits the dengue virus to a healthy subject by pricking it. This virus transmitted by the mosquito belongs to the family Flaviviridae, genus flavivirus. There are four types of dengue viruses: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. Infection with one of them confers protective immunity against the serotype in question, but not against the other three. For the use of the treatment you can make use of the German homoeopathic medicines now.

German homoeopathic

When to consult a doctor ?

After 2 to 7 days of incubation, the symptoms of dengue occur suddenly. In its simple form, the clinical manifestations are characterized by the appearance of a high fever (between 39 and 41 ° C), accompanied by headaches, aches, pains in the muscles and limbs, eye pain , chills, rash. May also appear, dizziness, nausea, sore throat. Some subjects have no symptoms.

The severe form, which accounts for about 1% of dengue cases, also known as dengue haemorrhagic fever, is characterized by persistent fever and multiple haemorrhages. It causes disorders of blood clotting, vomiting of blood, bloody stools, abdominal pain, breathing difficulties. It can cause a state of shock. This severe form is potentially fatal when it affects children under 15 years of age. For the use of the  German homeopathic medicines Kolkata this is important now.

Treatment of dengue fever

Homeopathy brings significant improvements, especially when the right remedies are given early in the illness.

The commonly prescribed drugs are Eupatorium perfoliatum 9 CH and Gelsenium sempervirens 15 CH, at a rate of 3 granules every two hours. The first remedy provides rapid relief in the presence of pain in the bones and joints, associated with high fever. It also helps relieve eye pain, diarrhea, headache. As for the second remedy, Gelsenium 15 CH, it is recommended when the fever is progressive and when the patient is affected by chills and great weakness.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Pimples and Acne: Your Options

It is difficult to generalize because homeopathy is a highly individualized medicine, which focuses first on the patient and the origin of the disease. This is why it is always better to take the advice of a competent pharmacist or a homeopathic doctor before starting a treatment. Some strains come back quite frequently in acne care protocols. With the use of the German Homeopathic Treatment Kolkata you can have the best results now.

What are the most common homeopathic responses to juvenile acne?

I often advise taking 3 granules of Kalium Bromatum 9 CH in the morning and 3 granules Eugenia Jambosa 4 CH in the evening, to be completed every Sunday with a dose of Natrum wall 15 CH alternating with Sulfur Iodatum in 15 CH also during 3 or 4 months. Adolescents under standard allopathic treatment can also reduce the adverse effects, including dry skin, by taking 3 granules of Natrum Mur daily in 9 CH, 3 times a day. For the  German Homeopathic Treatment Kolkata this is important now.

For blackheads or excess sebum, is it necessary to take a complementary treatment?

Of course. It is possible, for example, to treat the excess sebum with 3 granules of Selenium 5 CH morning and evening in combination with the anti-acne pair Kalium Bromatum and Eugenia Jambosa mentioned earlier.

What about the treatment of adult acne?

It all depends on the cause. The treatment will be different depending on whether it is acne related to the menstrual cycle, stress or genetics. But taking a dose of Natrum Wall 15 CH every Sunday alternately with a dose of Tuberculinum Residuum 9 CH is usually quite effective. Rosacea will resolve more effectively with Sanguinaria Canadensis 5 or 7 CH 3 times daily.

Can Homeopathy Alleviate the Scars of Acne Pimples?

Daily intake of 5 granules of Antimonium Tartaricum in 4 CH , in addition to the treatments, can help to avoid acne scars , like, moreover, those of chickenpox.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dandruff and Homeopathy for You

Dandruff is a scalp problem caused by the proliferation of a yeast-like fungus called malassezia. It is a very common problem, but that does not make it any less annoying. Malassezia really just belongs on the scalp and lives on the fatty oil produced by hair follicles. Scientists do not yet know why malassezia can suddenly start to proliferate enormously, but when this happens, it causes irritation that the rejection process of dead skin cells is greatly accelerated. With the German homeopathic medicines behala you can have the finest choices.

Many dead skin cells then hope to become flakes that clump together with the fat on the scalp. This is often easy to see with the naked eye. It usually starts to itch over time. The industry has many anti-dandruff shampoos with chemical agents in response. Usually these contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), which irritates and aggressively affects the scalp. Fortunately, there are various home remedies that can solve the flaking problem.

What to do about dandruff?

Tea tree oil, an antifungal and antiseptic oil, is a proven remedy for dandruff. You can buy anti-dandruff shampoo that contains tea tree oil, but the real oil itself works better (and it's usually cheaper too). Massage the tea tree oil into the scalp (make sure it is really on the scalp and not just in your hair) and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then wash with shampoo. If you do this often, you will notice that not only does the rose decrease, but also the corresponding itchiness. Direct contact of pure tea tree oil with the skin is discouraged by some. Diluting with an oil is recommended for sensitive skin.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties that prevent dandruff. It also breaks down proteins, in this case mostly dead skin cells. By reducing the amount of dead skin cells, aloe vera reduces the clotting of skin cells that make up dandruff. Use aloe vera juice or gel regularly and make sure you massage it well onto the scalp. Let it sit for at least fifteen minutes and then wash it with a mild shampoo.


Thyme also has antifungal and antiseptic properties. However, it differs from the previous two remedies in that it is not an oil, but an herb. To use thyme as a hair treatment, mix 4 tablespoons of dried thyme in 2 cups of water, boil it for 10 to 15 minutes, strain it and let it cool. Then massage it into the scalp, let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse your hair well.


Yogurt contains 'good bacteria', which limits the growth of yeast. This makes it a great home remedy for fungal infections. You can eat it or put it in your hair (so nice messy;). With this treatment you have to provide a yogurt with living cultures. According to research , the L. paracasei culture would be the best. Taking a probiotic can also provide the body with the right gut bacteria. Applying the yogurt locally to the scalp can also be effective. Spread it on your scalp. Wait an hour and wash it out. With the German homeopathic medicines behala this is the smartest choice.

Using the Right Homeopathic Medicines for Bacterial Infection

Bacteria are organisms that consist of only a single cell and are visible under the microscope as small rods (bacilli), spheres (coils), spirals (spirils), etc. Bacteria are found everywhere in nature and spread among others through human contact and through contact with infected animals, food, water, waste and objects. Bacteria usually reside in the body in the blood, in mucous layers or between tissue cells and multiply by cell division. Most bacteria are harmless or even useful for humans and animals, but some cause illness. With the german homeopathy in Kolkata you can have the best choices.


Our natural immune system generally protects us against harmful bacteria. When our resistance is disrupted, these bacteria have a chance to invade our body and cause an infection. In addition, redness, swelling of tissues and fever may occur. Examples of a bacterial infection are a bacterial cold, scarlet fever, tetanus, anthrax, but also a boil.

  • Viruses do not consist of complete cells and are not visible under the normal microscope, because they are much smaller than bacteria and must penetrate other cells in order to multiply. A virus can cause very different diseases. Examples of virus infections are colds, flu, cold sores, chicken pox, measles, rubella, HIV.

If a bacterial infection does not heal itself, it can possibly be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not work against a virus infection. However, if an antibiotic is regularly used against a bacterium, that bacterium can become 'resistant'. The bacterium is then no longer sensitive to the antibiotic. When you get an infection with such a resistant bacterium, the antibiotic no longer helps.
That is why it is important not to switch to antibiotic treatment too quickly. This of course always in consultation with your doctor. With the german homeopathy in Kolkata


With good resistance you have the least chance of contracting a bacterial or virus infection. Eating healthy and exercising a lot is important. Homeopathy can promote good resistance. This is not a self-care indication. When in doubt, always consult a medical expert.

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Essential Choices for Pigmentation

Pigmentation spots, one of the most annoying and persistent skin problems. How do you get rid of those stains without spending a lot of money on expensive mechanical and treatment?

Whether they are caused by the passing of the years, acne or melasma (hyper pigmentation), there are natural remedies that can light up the spots.

Radio frequency, laser treatments, the creams that a significant improvement in 80% (of the 40 women in a test group) etc. We like some of these types of advertising texts because they are often misleading. You can go for the German homeopathic medicines Kolkata, but there comes a great many for the best.


Fortunately, you can get rid of most spots with relatively simple means and without a loan. The most important tool you need is: Patience and ingredients for home treatments.

Pigmentation spots, for example due to melasma during pregnancy, dissolve on their own over time. The remaining spots require a little more effort.

Hyperpigmentation (UV damage) is the most common and the most difficult to reverse. Even with a daily routine of SPF 50 ++ lubrication, stubborn pigmentation can occur. Preventing sun damage is child's play, but canceling the damage is a lengthy process

Remove pigmentation spots naturally

Fortunately, there are home-garden and kitchen remedies that also work. Tested by many Miss Bio's on different types of stains. Here an overview per pigment spot type.

pigment Home treatment: simple and extremely cheap

Hormonal Melasma (melasma means pigment disorder) The best known is the maternity mask

Coconut mask with sugar and nutmeg

Requirements: 1/4 cup caster sugar, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 tablespoon coconut milk, 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil, possibly 2 drops of essential oil of clove.

Mix everything well and apply the mask on your face for at least 5 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Then apply your day-night care.

This recipe highlights your spots because:

Bastard sugar contains a high content of glycolic acid. This ingredient is often found in the expensive chemical peel treatments, because it has a proven effect on the lifting of pigment. With the German homeopathic medicines Kolkata you can get the best treatment.

Coconut milk: high content of lactic acid, another well-known means of treating melasma. Glycolic and lactic acid are both able to remove and repair damaged top layers of the skin by stimulating the growth of fresh skin cells. Pure coconut and clove have a positive effect on your hormone balance. It regulates sebum which reduces the risk of acne.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Smart Chances for the Acne Issues

To refresh your memory: Acne, or youth spots as we often call it, is a skin condition. The cause lies in the sebaceous glands of which there are approximately 15 per square centimeter . These sebaceous glands serve to remove waste and to produce skin lubricant.

This skin lubricant, or sebum, is important for the skin to keep it oily so that the skin is better protected against the 'dangers' from outside. If there is acne, then the sebaceous glands become bigger under the influence of the adolescent hormones , the skin smear thickens and the sebaceous gland starts producing more skin smear. With the German homeopathy in Kolkata you can have the best deal now.

All these factors then make it increasingly difficult to remove excess sebum along with the waste from the skin. The bacteria in the sebaceous gland then ensure that the remaining sebum is converted into free fatty acids which often cause inflammation. Immediately visible consequence: red pimples with pus. The shock of every adolescent!

So many types of acne

When we talk about acne, it usually means the well-known youth spots. This is indeed the most common form of acne and occurs during puberty as a result of all hormonal changes in the body. We call this in medical terms: Acne Vulgaris.

But there are many more types of acne. The result is more or less the same, but the cause is often different. A very important point with regard to homeopathy.

Just a small list of different types of acne:
Acne Conglobata

This is a fairly serious form of acne that does not end with red spots. The inflammations take the form of cysts and abscesses, with a great deal of pus being released in most cases. This form of acne almost always leaves scars .

Pomade Acne

This is acne which is particularly on the forehead. Often the result of using hair products that are very greasy or contain a lot of oil.

Acne Mechanics

This is a form of acne that is caused by friction. This causes the sebaceous glands to irritate and therefore become inflamed. Think, for example, of people who often wear protective clothing, but this can also occur with normal clothing.

Acne Cosmetics

This form is the result of the (excessive) use of make-up and greasy skin care products

Kleuter Acne

This acne often starts in the first year of life and can continue until the fifth year of life.

Acne Infantum

The name says it all: This is acne that develops in newborn babies. This form often disappears again after a few days to a few weeks.

From homeopathy it is important to know what kind of acne we are dealing with. Or even more important: what the ultimate cause is. You can read further on how this works.

The approach to homeopathy

In the regular medical world, in most cases a problem is assumed for which a solution must be sought and found. This solution may solve the problem, but due to a lack of insight into other factors that directly or indirectly influence the problem, the problem often comes back. With the  German homeopathy in Kolkata you can have the smartest deals now.

In the medical world, therefore, use was made of generic medicines, medicines that are not tailored to an individual, but are geared to a very large group of people who have the same disorder.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How To Handle Every Dandruff Issues Challenge With Ease Using These Tips

Dandruff refers to scales (small patches of epidermis) that separate from the scalp in varying amounts depending on the type of damage. The Authentic homeopathic remedies in kolkata awaits you for ths solutions.

They can occur under the effect of stress, pollution or unsuitable hair products.

This condition is usually benign, but permanent.


The dandruff condition is due to several factors:

  • The development of Malassezia furfur (yeast common to all scalp), in certain dermatological disorders. It promotes cell renewal and irritation;
  • Seborrhea (increased secretion of sebum) which forms a greasy film on the surface of the scalp. The dandruff is located in areas where there is significant seborrhea;
  • The desquamation (renewal of the cells of the epidermis) which is done in 21 days in subjects not suffering from a dandruff state. Dead cells are removed from the scalp.
When a subject has dandruff , the renewal is 7 to 10 days and the detachment of the dander becomes abnormal;

  • the stress ;
  • an unbalanced diet;
  • certain medical treatments;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • pollution and water quality;
  • hair care too aggressive or too soft.


People with dandruff first have dry or greasy scalp and itchy skin. Then the dead skin turns into thin yellowish epidermal lamellae.

Depending on the cause of dandruff , there are different types of states:

The form of dry films (the most common). Thin, dry, greyish patches are present throughout the scalp. They then fall out of the hair (especially during combing) because they do not adhere to the skin. Dandruff is noticeable when it is already on the shoulders or the back of clothing. The scalp is often dry too. Along with that you can now come up with the Authentic homeopathic remedies in kolkata.

  • Fat dandruff is fat, fat yellow dander. They are discreet but cause itching and irritation of the scalp, often fat, too;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is manifested by red patches covered with oily dandruff. It often causes itching;
  • Psoriasis forms squamous plaques well defined on the scalp. It can be local or extend to the entire salp. It is often associated with another location;
  • Atopic dermatitis and eczema cause dry, irritating lesions and form scales. Contact dermatitis favors dandruff on the scalp because of a poorly adapted product;
  • Ichthyosis corresponds to a dryness of the scalp and the presence of fine dander with loose edges. It can reach the scalp, but is never isolated;
  • Ringworm resembles a normal dandruff condition but is actually an infection with scalp parasites.

Perfect Pigmentation Issues That You Should Opt for

More than two centuries after its invention, homeopathy still enjoys great popularity as an alternative to conventional medicine. Some homeopaths prescribe remedies that they claim can help treat facial pigmentation. At present, however, there is no published evidence that demonstrates this treatment is effective.


facial pigmentation or skin discoloration can result from a wide variety of causes, including excessive sun exposure, pregnancy, genetic predisposition or photosensitizing medications. The German Homeopathic Treatment Kolkata happens to be the best solution there.


Homeopaths can vary the remedy they prescribe based on the patient's symptoms, body type, and personal health history. Common remedies for facial pigmentation include sulfur, lycopodium clavatum, sepia officinalis, thuya occidentalis, nitricum argenticum, cadmium sulphuratum, copahu officinalis, guarana, caulophyllum thalictroides and metallicum plumbum.


Diseases can be treated with minute amounts of substances that, at higher doses, would produce the same symptoms as the disease. Since homeopaths believe that the higher the dose, the more powerful drugs, they will often dilute the substance with water until the final cure is so dilute any molecule of the original substance remain.


Homeopaths believe that water can retain an imprint or "memory" of a substance dissolved in it, even if the substance itself is no longer present. This statement, however, is not consistent with current understanding of science and the laws of chemistry and physics, it does not know how water molecules would retain a "memory" of past intermolecular interactions or why reduce the dose would be to maximize its effect. The German Homeopathic Treatment Kolkata service happens to be the best  now.


There is currently no evidence published in the scientific literature to show that homeopathy is effective at treating facial pigmentation. Many scientists and doctors are skeptical about the core principles and claims of homeopathy as they seem difficult to reconcile with modern science.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fine Pigmentation Problems and the Solutions in Homoepathy

Pigmentation, or the color of our skin is associated with a special substance - melanin. Melanin is a dark pigment which, when exposed to sunlight (or rather, ultraviolet), is formed from the amino acid that is part of most proteins, tyrosine. Formed melanin in skin cells called melanocytes. The presence of pigmentation is associated with increased production of melanin, and its deficiency causes local or general pigmentation deficiency.

How does this happen?

Manifestations of impaired melanin production are:

  • freckles, scientifically - "efelids" (which from the Greek translates as "sunspots") - these are small brown spots, located mainly on the face and open parts of the body. They appear usually in the spring at the first rays of the sun, and in autumn and winter pass or partially disappear;
  • Vitiligo - manifested in the fact that the body "eats" the pigment from the skin, which causes white, sharply delineated spots with discolored, gray hair;
  • Chloasma, which looks like symmetrical, mostly brown spots on the face;
  • Birthmarks and moles (nevi);
  • pigment spots of various nature, etc.
What happens in this case?

Freckles are evidence of a violation of pigmented skin metabolism. In fact, they are distant relatives of sunburn, but sunburn is characterized by a uniform distribution of tyrosine in skin cells, and freckles are islets of tyrosine, which has spontaneously turned into melanin. The Authentic German Medicines in Kolkata option happens to be perfect there.

The brightest freckles are between the ages of twenty and twenty-five. Up to thirty-thirty-five years their number may grow, but with age they pale. More often freckles are for red-haired and fair-haired people. In case of abnormalities in the immune system, vitiligo may appear on the skin.

Solve your problem with the skin will help the following homeopathic remedies:

  • Ammonium carbonicum Antimonium crudum Apis Calcarea carbonica Calcium phosphoricum Dulcamara Ferrum Graphytes Kali carbonicum Lycopodium Muriaticum acidum
  • Natrum carbonicum Nitricum acidum Phosphorus Pulsatilla Sepia Sulphur Tabacum
  • Yellow spots on the skin:
  • Arnica Conium Curare Ferrum Lachesis Lycopodium Natrum carbonicum Petroleum Phosphorus Psorinum Ruta Sepia Sulfur Thuja

Elderly people often have sharply defined spots on the back of their hands. But if a person is younger than 50 years, then such pigmentation spots are a sign of early aging of the body. The accumulations of melanocytes on our skin are called moles or birthmarks. In any amount they are in any person. Some birthmarks are from birth, while others appear throughout life. And it happens that suddenly colorless birthmarks darken, the existence of which you previously did not suspect. More often, new "flies" arise during puberty, during pregnancy, during menopause. For the Authentic German Medicines in Kolkata this is important.

Effective Solutions for Acne: Homeopathy Says the Last Word

Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the skin. This causes blackheads or pimples. Acne occurs in areas with a lot of sebaceous glands, such as your face, neck, chest, upper back and / or upper arms.
Usually acne is caused by hormonal changes. These stimulate the sebaceous glands to a higher production. Sebaceous glands secrete greasy skin sebum (sebum) through pores and hair follicles. The glands get clogged with sebum: you get a blackhead. If bacteria end up in the blackheads, they start to ignite. Pus comes in and there is a pimple. If the acne is severe and takes a long time, you can even have scars on it.

Apart from hormonal changes, there can also be other causes for acne: cosmetics, oil or tar products, the transition to a different climate or malnutrition. With the German Homeopathic Treatment Kolkata the options become much better now.

Why choose natural or homeopathic treatments for acne?

It is always good to opt for natural products for natural skin care instead of using cosmetics. Natural products and home remedies are always safe homeopathic treatment, and have almost no side effects. You can find these products in any medical store. However, if the acne condition does not improve after using homeopathic acne solutions, it is imperative that you consult a dermatologist (skin doctor). For the German Homeopathic Treatment Kolkata this is important.

Acne treatment with homeopathy are:

  • For the condition of acne itching, take Kali Bromatum 6X three times in a day, until the condition improves.
  • For a natural acne remedy crush a few cloves of fresh garlic, and apply in the shins liquid. However, the contents of garlic can be hard on the skin, to use only 2-3 times a week.
  • If you have rough skin and sweat profusely, and suffer from constipation sulfur 6X then take 3 times a day.
  • For pimples filled with pus, a dose of antimony cake 6X, three times a day, until the condition gets better.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Allergy Issues? Find the Smart Homeopathic Cure

However paradoxical it may sound, it is homeopathic preparations for allergies that are most effective and effective today. But taking into account the fact that many medicines contain plant and animal components, they can be taken only after consultation with an allergist, so as not to aggravate the situation even further.

Only qualified specialists should be contacted. It is advisable to check the availability of a certificate and permission for treatment with a homeopath, because charlatans are much more than really highly qualified specialists. Then you will need to find the best homeopathic medicine shop in kolkata.

The main advantages of homeopathy allergy treatment
  •     homeopathic remedies are harmless and safe;
  •     practically have no contraindications;
  •     treatment is appointed individually;
  • medicines not only relieve allergy symptoms, but also cause the immune system to produce specific antigens to allergens, so the allergy recedes and does not manifest itself for a long time;
  •     there is no addiction to drugs;
  •     there is no need to increase the dose of medicines;
  • homeopathic remedies are allowed for everyone, including pregnant women and children.

In spite of the fact that homeopathic preparations really give a result, it is necessary to consult with representatives of traditional medicine all the same before applying.

The main groups of homeopathic medicines for allergies

The most effective homeopathic remedies for allergies

Of all the many homeopathic remedies, one can single out the main ones, which are prescribed by homeopathists (do not forget that before consultation, consultation with an allergist or immunologist is mandatory). With the best homeopathic medicine shop in kolkata now you will be having the best options.

  • Sulfur 6 - the remedy is intended for the treatment of any kind of skin allergic manifestations. The main component of the homeopathic remedy is sulfur. It is she who helps the immune system to produce antigens to various allergens.
  • Belladonna 3,6 is used for eczematous rashes, severe redness, and also if there are red tubercles on the skin. The drug is effective in conjunctive manifestations of allergies. Components of belladonna contribute to a decrease in the production of tear fluid, therefore suppressed lacrimation, reduces hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • Rus 3 - this drug is preferred in those cases when people have eczema, hives, and bubble rashes. Especially effective for eczema.
  • Alumina 6,12 is prescribed by homeopaths for dermatitis, which is accompanied by dry rashes, with irritation of the skin, accompanied by cracks, itching. The drug is topical in the summer, when the described symptoms worsen under the action of ultraviolet rays.
  • For the treatment of wetting specimens, crusts formed on the skin, Antimonium Kurdum 3,6 is used. Effective medication for dermatosis, which can occur in allergic people from hypothermia.
  • Arsenic 6,12 is necessary in the case when a person has an allergic reaction accompanied by rashes, severe itching, burning. Helps with frequent relapses of allergies.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Perfect Pigmentation Issues You Need to Know Properly

Pigmentation, or the color of our skin is associated with a special substance - melanin. Melanin is a dark pigment which, when exposed to sunlight (or rather, ultraviolet), is formed from the amino acid that is part of most proteins, tyrosine. Formed melanin in skin cells called melanocytes. The presence of pigmentation is associated with increased production of melanin, and its deficiency causes local or general pigmentation deficiency. For that you can count on
german homeopathic shop in kolkata.

How does this happen?
Manifestations of impaired melanin production are:

  • freckles, scientifically - "efelids" (which from the Greek translates as "sunspots") - these are small brown spots, located mainly on the face and open parts of the body. They appear usually in the spring at the first rays of the sun, and in autumn and winter pass or partially disappear;
  • Vitiligo - manifested in the fact that the body "eats" the pigment from the skin, which causes white, sharply delineated spots with discolored, gray hair;
  • Chloasma, which looks like symmetrical, mostly brown spots on the face;
  • Birthmarks and moles (nevi);
  • pigment spots of various nature, etc.
What happens in this case?

Freckles are evidence of a violation of pigmented skin metabolism. In fact, they are distant relatives of sunburn, but sunburn is characterized by a uniform distribution of tyrosine in skin cells, and freckles are islets of tyrosine, which has spontaneously turned into melanin. The German homeopathy in behala option happens to be perfect there.

The brightest freckles are between the ages of twenty and twenty-five. Up to thirty-thirty-five years their number may grow, but with age they pale. More often freckles are for red-haired and fair-haired people. In case of abnormalities in the immune system, vitiligo may appear on the skin.

Solve your problem with the skin will help the following homeopathic remedies:


  • Ammonium carbonicum Antimonium crudum Apis Calcarea carbonica Calcium phosphoricum Dulcamara Ferrum Graphytes Kali carbonicum Lycopodium Muriaticum acidum
  • Natrum carbonicum Nitricum acidum Phosphorus Pulsatilla Sepia Sulphur Tabacum
  • Yellow spots on the skin:
  • Arnica Conium Curare Ferrum Lachesis Lycopodium Natrum carbonicum Petroleum Phosphorus Psorinum Ruta Sepia Sulfur Thuja

Elderly people often have sharply defined spots on the back of their hands. But if a person is younger than 50 years, then such pigmentation spots are a sign of early aging of the body. The accumulations of melanocytes on our skin are called moles or birthmarks. In any amount they are in any person. Some birthmarks are from birth, while others appear throughout life. And it happens that suddenly colorless birthmarks darken, the existence of which you previously did not suspect. More often, new "flies" arise during puberty, during pregnancy, during menopause.

Birthmarks that are given to us from birth are usually less dangerous than the newly born. The most formidable form of disturbance of local pigmentation is the formation of melanoma - a tumor containing melanin. In addition to the above pigmentation is left all kinds of dermatitis. Also, pigmented spots can remain in place of burns, injections, insect bites, against a background of hives. Change in skin pigmentation of the face can be observed in defeats of the immune system, including systemic lupus erythematosus.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Homeopathy and More for Spasmodic Pain

Renal colic causes spasmodic pain at the level of the kidneys and in the lumbar region. Triggers are kidney stones (ureter stones) or Nierengries in the ureters (ureter). Among the tasks of the kidneys is, among other things, the excretion of metabolic end products via the urine. If this function is disturbed, it may happen that this material does not go off properly. It then solidifies and attaches to various sites in the urinary tract and clogs the ureter excretions. In the formation of kidney stones, termed lithiasis, various chemical compositions may play a role. There are calcium oxalate stones, calcium phosphate stones, urate stones (uric acid stones), struvite stones (magnesium ammonium phosphate stones), cystine stones and xanthin stones. Renal colic can be treated homeopathically. A distinction can be made between the acute treatment and the long-term treatment with which it is intended to prevent the formation of new stones after leaving the urethra.

Renal colic - Symptoms

Renal colic can be recognized by spasmodic pain in the lumbar area. The onset of pain comes so suddenly that the patient does not have the time to adjust and react to it. Reason for the pain in renal colic is the increasing pressure that the urine produced exerts on the kidney. The amount of urine increases, but it can not drain properly because an obstacle obstructs the way. Some stones form within a few hours, while others grow slowly and gradually, leading to acute pain only when they reach a critical size. With the German homeopathic medicines Kolkata the solutions are simple enough.

Blood-mixed urine and difficulty urinating are signs for kidney stones or ureteral stones and thus a renal colic. A stone present in the urinary tract leads to the inevitable colic at the latest when the affected person is traveling by motorbike or on horseback. Through the rhythmic movement of the stone dissolves from the renal pelvis and suddenly closes the ureter. As if from the clear sky, there is then a sharp, stabbing pain that radiates from the abdomen to the genital tract. In some cases, the colic is so severe that it is no longer possible for the person concerned to even set one foot in front of the other. The solutions come perfectly with the German homeopathic medicines behala here.

Prevent renal colic homeopathically

  • The patient, who knows his organism prone to the formation of ureteral stones, will be happy to help homeopathically. Because he also knows that homeopathy can prevent kidney colic. Homeopathic remedies for renal colic do not help to relieve the pain. Then it is too late, the stone is formed and stuck. On the other hand, if they are taken as part of a constitutional treatment, they prove to be really useful. Because they support the kidney function and thus help prevent kidney stones can arise at all.
  • To prevent kidney stones (ureteric stones), the stone-forming substances of which are phosphates and oxalic acids, the intake of Oxalicum acidum C5 is recommended (three globules in the morning, at noon and in the evening).
  • If the patient has difficulty urinating, or if he feels painful irritation in the urinary tract during the micturition, the homeopath should prescribe him Sarsaparilla C5. In this case, the affected person takes three globules of this remedy three times a day.

A homeopathic combination consisting of Belladonna, Lycopodium, Berberis vulgaris and Pareira brava can help in the run-up to renal colic and spasms in the urinary tract. For the purpose of ingestion, the remedies (all in potency level C5) should be dissolved in some ultrapure water.
Treat renal colic homeopathically

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Smart Homeopathic Treatment As Pe Your Requiement

A distinctive feature of modern medicine is that it has a highly developed specialization. The army of specialists is constantly growing. A doctor who treats a rich person who suffers from some kind of incomprehensible disease can call on himself ten or twenty specialists for help, each of whom limits his or her field of activity to some other narrow area of ​​medicine or surgery. There are also good reasons for this ever-increasing expansion of medical specialization. Modern knowledge, scientific processes and devices and etc.

Incredibly increased in quantity

All the sciences and arts were mobilized to help the doctor, and many doctors began to engage in what was previously not considered to belong to the field of medicine. There are doctors who specialize in psychology, mesmerism, interpretation of dreams, massage, electricity, radiology, dietology, etc., and each branch of the art of medicine is constantly divided into new directions. In addition, there is the attractive force of high service fees. Specialists receive more reward than ordinary doctors.

  • Inexperienced, naturally, imagine that highly paid specialists have special knowledge that an ordinary doctor does not have, and to some extent this is true. It is also natural that the patient wishes to consult an oculist, if he has vision problems, to an ear specialist, if he has something bad with hearing, to a laryngologist, if he has a throat, a heart specialist for heart disease, specialists in treating the gallbladder, stomach, intestines, bladder, kidneys, brain, hair, skin, nerves, etc. Doctors do not discourage patients from turning to specialists.

  • A patient who has a sore throat or stomach, can make a doctor who could not cure him, claims that he objected to contacting a specialist in a throat or stomach, contrary to the wishes of the patient. In addition, the doctor often turns out to be poorly prepared technically to treat his patients for “special” diseases. For the homeopathy medicine shop in tollygunge this is the best option now.

Low Charges

The fee for his services is low, and he is forced to do work in a hurry in order to somehow stay afloat. He can devote very little time to ordinary patients, heals people as he can and does everything in his power when he gives patients strengthening, laxative or sedatives, etc., to alleviate their most acute, urgent symptoms. For more serious cases, he uses specific drugs mentioned in the guidelines, such as: salicylates for rheumatism, digitalis for heart diseases, bromides for epilepsy, ointment with arsenic or sulfur for skin diseases, etc., and if patients do not recover, they are sent to specialists, if the former have the means to pay for the services of the latter, or to hospitals, if they have no money, and if the situation is completely hopeless, then a syringe with morphine goes into action to alleviate the suffering of those who are dying.

No Complication of Cough and Cold: Germany Homeopathy Solutions

Modern doctors try to remove skin diseases as quickly as possible, as if they are just external skin diseases. They do this without paying attention to the great harm that is done with this treatment. Older doctors, on the contrary, described this harm to us in their writings, citing thousands of examples of the harmful effects of simple suppression.

Hahnemann, "Chronic Diseases"

  • In order to successfully and safely treat "diseased skin", we must treat the body that it covers; skin rashes are just a result, an external and visible sign of an internal dynamic disorder. A perfectly healthy body must have perfectly healthy skin, and diseased skin simply cannot be on a perfectly healthy body.

  • To call during an meal about some urgent patient, you will never be awakened at night about an accident or childbirth, your patients will never die, but, above all, they will never be cured. "Jokes are often told seriously.

  • Skin diseases are treated by standard reference methods, and too often "they are never cured." Beautiful illustrations in the leading manuals and medical atlases allow a novice in medicine to diagnose skin disease, that is, to give it a name, and when the name is found out, everything else is simple. The doctor will be able to find out from his books how to treat various diseases in accordance with accepted standards. In addition to some streamlining of the diet, alkalis to neutralize acids, etc., conventional treatment consists mainly in the external use of poisonous lotions and ointments, which usually contain arsenic, mercury and lead, in the use of radium, x-rays and ultraviolet rays and etc., and often arsenic, mercury and other various poisons are given simultaneously in large doses orally. The best German homeopathic medicines Kolkata are here now and that is the reason you can come up with the best deals here.

Many patients with skin diseases are systematically poisoned, and their health is undermined for life because of the treatment they received. The late Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, president of the Royal College of Surgeons, first noted that after many years of arsenic treatment, arsenic cancer developed in many patients with skin diseases. He provoked a storm of indignation in exactly the same way as when he proved that “hand-to-hand” vaccination practiced in his time often led to the transmission of syphilis from one vaccinated to another. At the present time, Hutchinson’s views on vaccination and on the excessive use of arsenic have become generally accepted among doctors.