Friday, June 8, 2018

Essential Supports from Homeopathy for Cataract Treatment and Prevention

Cataracts, which are divided into several types, are often related to age, but they can also have other causes. Managing specific homeopathic remedies for each cause can correct many of the problems associated with this pathology.

Cataracts affect both men and women during old age, that is, generally between 60 and 75 years. However, it is also possible to diagnose them, in very rare cases, in children. This vision disorder is due to the change in the structure of the lens, which is deteriorated by the free radicals produced by the body and which increases its aging. When this happens, the retina no longer perceives the light very well, which explains the vision problems.

The different types of cataracts

There are several forms of cataracts, but four of them are the most common: the senile cataract, linked to age; the secondary cataract, generally of medical origin; the traumatic cataract, resulting from an eye accident, and the juvenile cataract, which may be of congenital origin. The disease can affect both the eyes and only one, and can not be foreseen. It is a very common pathology in both northern and southern countries that can be cured correctly when diagnosed early.

The symptoms

A person with cataracts will see their visual acuity progressively lower. Even the use of prescription glasses does not get to improve the vision, which is altered. When the patient is behind the wheel of a car at night, he will be disturbed by the living lights of the other vehicles. You may also see double and perceive colors worse. In broad daylight and under normal conditions, it will seem that the objects are surrounded by a haze. In a word, his vision is not more normal. And if the affected eye is not treated, the pathology can lead to a total darkening of the lens.

Homeopathic treatment of cataracts

Homeopathic treatment of cataracts is only indicated for cases in which the lens is not totally opaque. There is an adequate treatment for each variant of cataracts, but also to the type of opacity of the lens. Thus, according to the class of the condition, Secale cornutum or Carbo Animalis are recommended for senile cataracts depending on the damage of the lens. Calcarea carbonicum, on the other hand, is proposed to treat juvenile cataracts. As for the other types, Ammonium carbonicum and Colchicum automnale are very effective. Finally, to delay the evolution of cataracts, it is possible to adopt continuously 5 granules of Naphtalinum 5 CH per day. With the use of German homeopathy in Kolkata you will be getting the best options now.

When to consult an ophthalmologist or an optometrist

Any modification of the perception of the objects should lead to consulting an eye specialist who can be an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. It will be up to him to proceed immediately with an eye examination to detect possible cataracts and prescribe adequate medical treatment to stop his development. Therefore, anyone already aware of their illness should consult a doctor as soon as their sight is affected or they feel a discomfort in their professional or personal life. 

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