Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Skin Ulcers and the Homopathic Remedies

Trophic ulcers are severe skin lesions in the lower part of the body that do not heal for more than 6 weeks. Ulcers on the legs appear due to a violation of the blood supply, which leads to the cessation of trophism (feeding) of the tissues of the extremities. Local drug effects begin with conservative methods. The specialist prescribes preparations for the treatment of trophic ulcers in various forms - pills, injections, ointments, emulsions, oil. If the effect of therapy at home is insignificant, the trophic changes progress, and the pain in the legs becomes intolerable - it may require more intensive treatment in the hospital. The use of the german Homeopathy in Kolkata surely gives you a solution.


Arsenicum album (Arsenic white) - superficial and deep; burning pains; bluish or black bottom; with fetid bloody or serous discharge. Improvement from thermal procedures.

Carbo animalis (charcoal animal) - a strong, burning pain, separated with a fetid odor. Blue on the periphery of the ulcer.

Carbo vegetabilis - 1) burning pains, a mottled skin around the ulcer, as if due to the expansion of small capillaries. Under the skin, bruises are visible. Ulcers are flaccid and painless.
2) malignant ulcers, flat, inclined to spread over the surface. Separated caustic, burning, ichoroznoe, liquid, smelly. Burning deteriorates at night, in warmth. The bottom of the ulcer is bluish-black.

Acidum nitricum (nitric acid) - inclination to ulceration with smelly, watery, corrosive discharge; if they are purulent, then a dirty yellowish color. Ulcers with irregular zigzag margins, often with raised; The bottom is covered with loose, easily bleeding granulations; Painful as if they were stuck in needles; often accompanied by burning pains; worse from cold water, lighter from heat, syphilitic and scrofulous ulcers.

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