Sunday, June 3, 2018

Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia and The Results

Whether you occasionally unrest or a chronic case of insomnia, the right homeopathic remedy can be just what you need to get a good night's sleep. According to the National Center for Sleep Disorders Research, about 30 to 40 percent of adults claim to have symptomatic insomnia in a given year. Ten to 15 percent of adults have chronic insomnia. The National Sleep Foundation states that insomnia can be the result of other diseases or disorders. 

Finding the right remedy 

Because homeopathy works at the starting point of such treatments, such as finding the right remedy for you and your specific condition takes a bit of work. Homeopathy is based on the person as a whole, taking into account your health history, current attitude, personality and symptoms. This is why a remedy that worked for Aunt Mary Sue can not work for you or other people. Taking the wrong remedy can lead to adverse results, which is why you should seek a professional homeopath instead of self-medication.  Now that the Homeopathic Treatments in Kolkata are quite modern the results are also effective.

Coffea Cruda; unroasted coffee 

Coffea cruda is one of the most popular remedies for insomnia. A study conducted by the University of Johannesburg in 2008 showed the efficacy of this homeopath on those who can not fall asleep. Thirty subjects who fit a similar profile placed 10 drops of Coffea homeopathic - 20cH - under their tongue before retiring for four weeks. The data obtained showed that both the test and control group had significant results. A longer trial is necessary to rule out possible placebo effect. 

Arsenicum Album; Arsenic acid, arsenic trioxide 

This solution is given to those who have deep-seated uncertainties and are disturbed, anxious or restless for fear. These people feel suffocative during sleep and are sleepy during the day. They find comfort sleeping with their hands above their heads and the use of more than one pillow. 

Lachesis Mutus; Bushmaster of Surucucu 

The poison from the deadly Bushmaster snake is used to create this remedy. It is usually prescribed to those who do not like things around their neck or abdomen. Lachesis people find themselves awake in the middle of the night and are sad in the morning, with no desire to speak to others. They experience sudden shocking at the first to fall asleep and feel aggravated at rest. 

Other things to consider 

Other remedies include Aurum metallicum, China officianalis, Cimicifuga, Gelsemium, Hyosciamus niger, Kali carbonicum, Magnesia carbonica, Magnesia Muriatica, Nux Vomica, Platinum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, Syphilinum, Thuja and Tuberculinum. 

Detailed descriptions of these agents can be found found in most homeopathic materia medica. The remedies, themselves, can be purchased at supplement stores in low potencies - 6c of 30c. 

Consult a professional homeopath or your doctor before attempting a homeopathic remedy. 

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