Sunday, May 20, 2018

Do not Fear of Cataract Now, The Best Remedies are Here Now

Cataract is a very common ophthalmologic disease, accompanied by a clouding of the transparent natural lens in the human lens - the lens of the eye. Today, experts are divided into several varieties of the disease. 

Often, cataracts become an inevitable consequence of certain changes that occur with the chemical composition of the lens. These changes and become a provocative factor, causing its turbidity. In most cases, cataracts are observed in people after 60 years, but cases when such a disease is detected in young people are not uncommon. This pathological condition is so widespread in the modern world that ophthalmologists are seriously concerned about the problem of early diagnosis and adequate treatment. The Doctors of Homeopathy in Kolkata offer smart solutions for the same now.

Some features of the lens of the eye 

First of all, it must be recalled that the lens of the eye is characterized by a separate position, since there is a special capsule around it that isolates the given anatomical formation from the surrounding media. In this case, the capsule of the lens is endowed with selective permeability. 

The composition of the lens includes a sufficiently large number of various chemical elements, such as ascorbic acid, urea, proteins, mineral salts, lipids, water and so on. In its composition there is also silica. 

Actually, all living organisms, including humans, contain certain silicon compounds in the tissues. Among them is silica. Silicon compounds take an active part in the formation of parts of the skeleton and hard tissues. Quite a large number of silicon contain kidneys, connective tissue, pancreas, although the amount of silicon entering the body with food in the daily diet of a person is not more than a gram. 

Properties of silica 

Silica is famous for medicine thanks to the German scientist, the founder of homeopathy H. Hahnemann. It was he who was able to study and describe the effect of this element on the metabolism. So, according to his conclusions, silica is inherent in strengthening the human immune system, dissolving various adhesions and scar formation, many seals of the skin and positively affecting the trophism of tissues. It is interesting that such influence is not directly, but indirectly, through the central nervous system. Thanks to these its positive properties, silica has long been used in homeopathy, as a means of treating many pathological conditions, and cataracts, including. 

However, homeopathic specialists tend to use silica to treat only strictly defined forms of clouding the lens. That is why this tool should be selected very individually for each patient. In this case, the doctor must take into account the form of cataract, the duration of its progression, the location of opacity in the lens, and in addition, take into account the constitutional features of man. 

It is believed that silica can heal one- and two-sided opacities in various areas of the lens. For example, in the right eye, turbidity can be detected in the nucleus of the lens, and in the left - in the cortical layers of it. It should be noted that the use of silica for the treatment of cataracts is almost always combined with other homeopathic remedies.

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