Monday, May 28, 2018

Type II Diabetes and How Homeopathy Deals With It

Diabetes II. type is one of the most serious civilization diseases threatening the population of all developed countries. In the Czech Republic, however, forms of avalanche, at present 15% of the population suffers from diabetes. Due to the current lifestyle, which is largely dominated by television, computers and fast food, there is a sharp increase in illness in overweight children and young people.

And what is the cause of diabetes? Science has discovered the originator of evil: belly fat between the intestines and the liver. Fat is not just a reservoir of energy, it produces hormones and mediators of inflammation that make cells insensitive to insulin, causing diabetes. Fat abdominal hormones also increase blood pressure and disturb the metabolism of cholesterol. The current occurrence of these four factors is referred to as a metabolic syndrome or a deadly quartet. The German Homeopathy in Kolkata comes up with the best options now.

Some recommended homeopathic remedies for abdominal panic disorder resulting in elevated blood sugar (do not forget about constitutional treatment):

Insulin D3 or CH30 , 3 times a day 3 spheres before meals. Homeopathically treated Insulin. It restores the ability to metabolize sugars and store glycogen in the liver. It is also used in the treatment of acne, carbuncles, erythema and pruritic eczema. Also in days with transient glycosuria and in skin manifestations it is used 3 times a day after meals. The drug is indicated for persistent manifestations of skin irritation, neuritis and varicose ulceration.
Chininum arsenicosum D30 (20ml), 4 drops 4 times a day on the tongue before meals (3 times a day before meals and 1 day before bedtime)


Chininum arsenicosum D6 (20 ml), 7 drops 3 times a day before meals.
For the duration of treatment, sugar intake (including honey) must be reduced. This product is used in most patients.
Datisca cannabine D2 , three times daily 1 tablet of globulins. It is used in patients with thirst and tendency to overweight.
Syzygium jambolanum D2 , 3 times a day 5 globules. Patients with a feeling of warmth throughout the body and an itchy skin rash.
Phosphoric acid D1 , 3 times daily 3 globules. It is used in patients where emotional stress has played a major role in the onset of diabetes. Worsening of nerve exhaustion.
Silica D6 n. CH30 , 3 times daily 3 globules. It is prescribed for diabetes after infection. The patient complains of coldness, lack of stamina and sweating with the smell of his feet.
Tarentula D6 n. CH30 , 3 times daily 3 globules. In diabetes related to sadness of n. Grief.

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