Wednesday, May 16, 2018

In Defence of Homeopathy: An In Depth Understanding For The Process

Homeopathic treatment is a wonderful method by which you can gently, quickly and reliably improve your health without loading yourself with a large number of chemicals that allow you to fine-tune your body. Quite often it happens so finely that the patient himself does not notice when he has released any problem in the body. The method operates under the law of similarity. That is, the symptoms that are in the sick body are treated with a medicine that causes such symptoms in a healthy person. For example, a person was bitten by a bee, then there is swelling in the place of the bite, burning, heat and pain. These symptoms - swelling, burning, pain - can be cured with Apis medicine, prepared from a bee. It can be urticaria, Quincy's edema, joint inflammation, sore throat, or something like that.

And now 10 pluses of homeopathic treatment :

  • Mainly substances that are in nature - plants, minerals, animals, that is organic, absolutely natural, are used. Everything that surrounds us in nature has medicinal properties. The main thing is to use them correctly.
  • Very very small doses of drugs are used. They are called " ultra-small " doses, or ultradoses. That is, homeopathic medicines are safe, they do not have toxic effects, and accordingly, do not cause side effects. They have an exceptionally dynamic effect, stimulating the life force of the patient to overcome the disease.With the best Homeopathy in Kolkata now you will be having the best options.
  • Tests of homeopathic medicines are conducted on healthy people , and this is a much more objective method. There is no need to conduct tests on animals. No animal can fully convey its feelings and the nature of the symptoms.
  • Absolutely individual approach. When choosing a medicine, special, individual symptoms of the patient, and even strange symptoms that do not fit into the traditional picture of the disease, are taken into account, modalities are taken into account - from which the patient becomes better, and what is worse, that is, such symptoms that are not taken into account by traditional doctors.
  • The ability to help the patient at various levels - from a small cut and a fall to severe pathologies, from acute cases to serious chronic diseases, in which the patient has already gone through several series of all traditional methods of treatment and has not received any effect.
  • The patient's inner world is taken into account. In fact, having understood the patient's inner world, we can understand what remedy he needs to be treated. 
  • Such treatment makes it possible to learn to live without traditional medicines and prevent complications such as drug allergy. Drug allergy is the result of slagging the body, excessive use of traditional medicines used in material doses.
  • Having adjusted the "settings" of the body, the homeopathic medicine can strengthen the immune system, and gradually microbes, viruses and parasites - satellites of immunodeficiencies - leave the healthy organism themselves.

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