Monday, May 28, 2018

Perfect Solutions for Obesity Issues Through Homeopathy

Overweight is bad but for old people. For now, the effects of long-term obesity make it really noticeable: osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joints, Herzverfettung, fatty liver or heart failure are real problems. 

How can homeopathy remedy this?

Obesity often occurs in the elderly

The food in hospitals or nursing homes is usually of the worst quality. With unrecognizable and enriched with numerous flavors and preservatives food our parents or grandparents are "coated".

Or the elderly widower simply is not able to cook something healthy and even eat ready meals from the supermarket. That can then be used in conjunction with a lack of exercise obesity, is not surprising.

Potassium carbonica: obesity in the elderly

Water retention is typical for potassium patients. Thickness chains and legs make him even more difficult. Heart or liver steatosis and chronic constipation are often the result of years of poor nutrition. Potassium People are often frustrated and angry about the loss of the meaning of life in old age.

There are people who have worked in their lives a lot and always kept in order. She stood with both feet on the ground and rather angry that others could not follow the rules. Now you feel on the sidelines and think "it is soon to end." Of course, homeopathy can also not solve anything in these patients alone. A healthy, vitamin-rich diet is just as important as physical exercise and the possibility of meaningful, satisfying employment.

Lac Loxodonta: elephant milk for obese patients who can not say no

Lac loyal patients are very social and want to help everyone. The grievances of the world are an abomination, and just people who are excluded from the communities, provoke their compassion. Because this is one of their biggest fears: that they may not be able to be more part of a group or family. If it comes to the use of the German Homeopathy in Kolkata then this is the best option that you will be having now.


Obesity and obesity have many causes. First, food is an important factor. But why a man starts to eat too much usually has a psychological cause. In this case there is no simple psychological explanation, such as "thickness ran protective layer", but many facets of the same problem.

Why does the patient need his protective layer? He is particularly sensitive? Against what he is afraid? What restless him? These questions can be dealt with in an extensive homeopathic history. Therefore, self-treatment is not recommended and standard assets that have little chance of success.

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